My blog celebrates the life journeys of us as women and is intended to inspire female readers to take a leap of faith---to courageously and deliberately seek personal transformation as we move through the various stages of our lives. As Women we constantly desire to know how to develop deep, juicy spiritual, emotional and physical lives throughout our whole lifespan.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The Very Pulse in YOU is the Want
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Strange that we Belittle Simplicity
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Insist on Yourself; Never Imitate
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Born of Courage
I knew that it would be turned into a book, series and workshop, it would not not get done. In his Ode: "Intimations of Immortality,” Words worth writes about shades of the prison-house” that begin to close. As children, “trailing clouds of glory,” we “behold the light,” but gradually we lose sight of its radiance. Then comes a time when the only light we behold is that of “common day,” and we feel cut adrift. No longer a carefree child, we begin to hold ourselves in check, censoring those wild impulses toward creativity.
I now know the experiences I have been through are not just messages rather they are gifts and that I am to share them with others but first, I had to search deep to come to discover it within my own uniqueness.
Sooner or later, this shift occurs in each of us, thrusting us upon a lifetime journey of discovering and expressing creative self.
The life that urges us to create, however, can never be concealed or shut away forever. Ever present, it simply awaits our recognition and expression. It is our very nature and being. The deep envelops us, rises within us.
And so, I made a vow to again surrender and allow myself to be use as a vehicle of expression for this message that needed to be created and delivered. In the next weeks of posts these message will be delivered.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Ruling Love, Ruling Interest, Ruling Hope
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Relationship Between Mind and Emotions
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Expose yourself
You never have to prove yourself ... all you need is to expose yourself. Truer words never spoken.In light of the recent activities and unfolding of Tiger Woods life I feel compelled to speak from my my truth, through the work I do with peak performers and athletes.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wild Impulses
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Courage to Create
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Taking Care of Myself
Desire is the basic instinct that propels us to find everything from food to God. Hunger and longing to belong are both desires. From hunger we are motivated to get fed. From longing to belong we learn how to experience and align with the Infinite. When we are attuned to the Infinite, we are really set up to get our needs met. We not only get our survival and physical needs met, we get our emotional and spiritual needs satisfied too. What greater satisfaction than to be at peace and relaxed, feel loved, and to know that the struggle is over.
Monday, November 23, 2009
From Sabotage to Satisfaction
Effective magnetism is based on a powerful projection
There is no power of projection from needlessness
There is no ability to claim from shame
There is no clarity in a cloudy self-image.
Thee is no direct connection in an apologetic stance
Saturday, November 21, 2009
In all honesty to know he was one block away and to not go meet or see him was very challenging and yet I had to ask "why is saying no so difficult"?
One day has gone by since he left. No longer did I feel his presence but through the time he was here and though I did not see him, his energy had a strong effect. I wanted to run, hide, I wanted to pretend he did not exist but then I decided to sit and meditate upon the shadow this presented.
We learn so much about ourselves in our personal relationships. They help us to discover the true self, which is the source of love. We are attracted to those whom we love and repelled by those in whom we are denying in ourselves. At some level we are all the same, whenever we have a positive or negative experience with someone-whenever there is a strong feeling of either being drawn toward someone or of pulling back from someone - we should ask ourselves what is happening? “Why am I attracted to this person? Because they have certain traits. Or why am I repelled by this other person? Because they have particular traits. How come I am denying these traits in myself? I must have these same traits , otherwise my feelings wouldn’t be triggered by this person. I wouldn’t feel this charge from them.”
Every RELATION SHIP carries us to the next level.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Trust Thyself
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Permission and Attention are the Magical Keys
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Your INNER - EXPRESSION -the Best Anti-Aging Secret
What is it You are loving? Do you love the divine expression of you?
Maslow called it Self Actualization.It is not competitive. What are you attracting? What is emerging within yourself?
Are you the nurturer of yourself? What are you self actualizing and expressing? What is your chosen work which is rewarding yourself and at least one other person. This will bring out your greater self.
The best anti-aging remedy is the realization of your own purpose and so ask yourself "Do I realize my potential? What do I want to EXPRESS? What is MY INNER - EXPRESSION?
Your happiness is from the nurturing of yourself and the giving it out to others. Remember that unhappiness is the push and drive for you to EXPRESS.
Remember you and I are EXPRESSIONS of the larger. Say yes and have faith in the process itself.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Becoming Interdependent and regaining Self Esteem
The nature of our human race is that we all are interdependent - that is, reciprocal dependency on one another for certain things. But when interdependency becomes unbalanced and one person is doing all the giving and another all the taking it is no longer interdependence, but rather dependence of one person on the other, and when this happens both parties become resentful of each other.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Heart's Flow of Love unrestricted
When the heart’s flow of love is unrestricted, the goddess spirit is within you…
Monday, November 9, 2009
Searching for Pieces
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Becoming the Someone YOU want to meet
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Disturbing our own depth
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Lost along the way
How does a river become layered over that true nature, covering it with limiting beliefs?
We are taught to become proficient at keeping ourselves from learning, and articulate in all the things we that are wrong with them. A groove of awareness of our mistakes is carved into our brains. Thus we are taught to take for granted what we can do, and instead concentrate on our defeat.
We've lost the capacity for uninhibited joy and celebration. We move through each day with buried uneasiness, a silent suspicion that something is not right.
No matter how hard we search for the source of discomfort, we can find nothing apparently wrong. We may as well be chasing a ghost who will not reveal himself.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Self Reliance
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Finding Somewhere I Belong
There is a major need for woman, young girls to find that love can come from many different sources, not just one special person, for all love flows from the Infinite Wisdom (the source within.)
This frees us from the desperate mission to find Mr. Right, this Unconditional love heals lack of self-esteem and self-confidence.
The to learn to love and accept yourself first. Easier said than done - right!
By going through this personally and through my work with clients walking a mile in someone else's shoes, I have come to an understanding that in order for this to occur in one's life it may require changes in one's thinking and in their actions and these changes are sometimes frightening.
As I have discovered ...No one makes changes unless the pain and discomfort of their present condition or situation outweighs the risks and the temporary discomfort of change, yet, when we do make the changes and we dare to disturb the universe, the world changes so completely for us. Suprisingly, what we believed was important ceases to matter. We are made new.
Through this self-involving way of deeply seeing into the world, we enlarge it, we disturb it, and ourselves too.
Through the discovery of becoming self-reliant we arrive at our destination...Home...SOMEWHERE I BELONG. (Lincoln Park song Somewhere I Belong) says it all.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Yourself you could find
Unlocking the secrets that are hidden inside and through the doors of perception yourself you could find. That you only go outward to get further in-you only get further when you see life from within...this is the secret of becoming self-reliant.
My goal of this specific blog to assist others in becoming self-reliant. This is the truth-the only truth that sets us free.
With tremendous amount of courage and through determination you can go on to discover the true secrets of self-reliance.
The purpose of my blog is to explore key issues that impact us as women. How and when we give ourselves away losing our identiity and the attempts to reclaim one self.
Struggling through adversity such as divorce, keeping faith(what faith) learning that love sometimes means saying N0, going on and discovering what is deeply relevant is what I faced. In the times we live through how do we survive as individuals with our own indentity intact.