Saturday, December 19, 2009

Born of Courage

I now know the experiences I have been through are not just messages rather they are gifts and that I am to share them with others but first, I had to search deep to come to discover it within my own uniqueness.

 I knew that it would be turned into a book, series and workshop, it would not not get done. In his Ode: "Intimations of Immortality,” Words worth writes about shades of the prison-house” that begin to close. As children, “trailing clouds of glory,” we “behold the light,” but gradually we lose sight of its radiance. Then comes a time when the only light we behold is that of “common day,” and we feel cut adrift. No longer a carefree child, we begin to hold ourselves in check, censoring those wild impulses toward creativity.

 Sooner or later, this shift occurs in each of us, thrusting us upon a lifetime journey of discovering and expressing creative self.

 The life that urges us to create, however, can never be concealed or shut away forever. Ever present, it simply awaits our recognition and expression. It is our very nature and being. The deep envelops us, rises within us. 

And so, I made a vow to again surrender and allow myself to be use as a vehicle of expression for this message that needed to be created and delivered. In the next weeks of posts these message will be delivered.

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