Sunday, June 20, 2021

Happy Fathers Day - - Relationships are a Work in Progress

Relationships are a work in progress and that includes our relationships with our fathers. Our fathers live in every cell of us.
No matter how well we think we might know someone, we need to keep working on improving communication and learning more about our fathers, mothers, partners. Something I highly recommend is doing a genogram of your family. Yes, there are family members who are no longer with us but we can always ask those who are to share their memories of ones who are not. Something I learnt from a very wise woman, teacher, mentor, and friend (Dr Anngwyn St. Just Ph. D) is to ask our cousins. They have a totally different perspective and that usually leads us to hidden gems. It has for me.
We all change a lot over the years. It is easy to assume that we know everything about our family and our partners. However, it's important we have the willingness to learn about them in the present. Stay open, honest, and curious.
Being supportive of others while they work on their imperfections. can only improve our imperfections. Love is not always easy, but our commitment to it can create a sense of comfort and accomplishment.

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