Saturday, June 19, 2021

Dwelling on Your Bad Choices?

How many times do you recall dwelling on bad choices? Did dwelling on those choices improve your life? No matter what we do time goes on and so more important than dwelling on bad choices our subconscious made focus on this reality that if you remain so preoccupied with ruminating that you miss out on opportunities to make good choices.

A bad choice is only bad if you repeat it. A bad choice is only bad if you know you made it and then choose not to do something about not repeating it. The great thing is that you have the opportunity to learn from your unwise decisions. You have the choice to hack your subconscious and create new programs which lead to amazing ways out of the cycle of the same over and over. Pay attention to the wonderful things you still have. There are many ways to stop the self-sabotage cycle and then live a life of wellness, wholeness.

You made those choices based on the information and experience you had in childhood otherwise known as the familiar and perceived safe card but you are an adult now so open yourself to grow from your past choices and understanding that you can change the patterns that are not serving you in your adult life. Stop resisting all the good that could be in store for you once you realize you can make the choice to choose differently starting NOW.

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