Monday, May 24, 2021

Freedom From Self Sabotage

Self Sabotage........The Art of Making Sure You Never Get Ahead
In the field of self-sabotage, people do often get ahead, they just even out their successes with that nothing ever changes. There's exercise and the benefits that exercise provides. And then there are things that counter the health benefits of exercise. If you exercise but counter the benefits of exercise (in one way or another) nothing changes. When you put forward effort but you actively block your own evolution or advancement.......that's self-sabotage. When you spend money you don't have or plow yourself with 2 rows of cookies or half a liter of ice cream after eating perfectly all's the same thing. One step forward, one step back. Nothing changes. That's self-sabotage in a nutshell.
Self-sabotage is based on a fear of success and this fear of success is actually manufactured by the government and media purposely, so people constantly work 24 hours per day keeping themselves down. It's one thing for me to keep you down (If I was your ruler) but it's quite another thing for me to use brainwashing tactics and behavior modification you keep yourself down. If I was your ruler, using behavior modification psychology to keep you down, I can always blame you for your failures......but it was actually me causing them.
To make a long story short, there are many things going on with your TV and your movie screen (and your radio stations, your newspapers, and your magazines, etc) which program your subconscious mind to keep destroying yourself and your innate human potential. This video provides one of 1000 examples I could show you. If you're looking to overcome your self-sabotage, simply email me at Title your email, "It's time. I'm ready."

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