There is a major need for woman, young girls to find that love can come from many different sources, not just one special person, for all love flows from the Infinite Wisdom (the source within.)
This frees us from the desperate mission to find Mr. Right, this Unconditional love heals lack of self-esteem and self-confidence.
The to learn to love and accept yourself first. Easier said than done - right!
By going through this personally and through my work with clients walking a mile in someone else's shoes, I have come to an understanding that in order for this to occur in one's life it may require changes in one's thinking and in their actions and these changes are sometimes frightening.
As I have discovered ...No one makes changes unless the pain and discomfort of their present condition or situation outweighs the risks and the temporary discomfort of change, yet, when we do make the changes and we dare to disturb the universe, the world changes so completely for us. Suprisingly, what we believed was important ceases to matter. We are made new.
Through this self-involving way of deeply seeing into the world, we enlarge it, we disturb it, and ourselves too.
Through the discovery of becoming self-reliant we arrive at our destination...Home...SOMEWHERE I BELONG. (Lincoln Park song Somewhere I Belong) says it all.