Thursday, July 1, 2021

How to Stop Chasing Ambulances

Have you ever thought about whether you want to actually enjoy living? Something to ponder on a hot holiday (for some) day. If you do want to enjoy I call it live in joy then you have to let go trying to please everyone else. You have to go beyond judgment. You can't go through life worried about what everyone else is going to think.

Believe me, I know this from experience. I was addicted to rescuing people thinking they actually needed me - -haha:) No these people did not need me. I needed them in my life to make my life busy and seem like my busy was being productive. Not! This is how busy operates. Dig a hole for 4 hours, fill it for the next 4 hours and doing this day in and day out wonder why nothing is shifting in your life. Well, if you did a hole for 4 hours then fill it how do you expect to build a new foundation? You cannot. It is impossible. Yes, you will be busy - - keeping the same old pattern going and getting the same old results and you will be exhausted which makes you feel safe because you are in the familiar zone. Subconscious loves the familiar. That is why so many people never accomplish what they set out to do or want to do. It really is work to hack the subconscious and put in new programming BUT so worth it - this I know as my truth.

Please do not misunderstand rescue for compassion. I am very compassionate and assist many people but I no longer rescue because I know that enabling does not help. No, it does not. Never has never will. I have officially hung up my ambulance chasing.
I had to let go of the judgment of others stopping me from creating a life that works for me regardless of if they leave my life. I do not assume that their judgments are true. My recommendation if the is true in our life that you look into your thought patterns, your habits, your actions work on building your self-confidence. If you think badly of yourself, it's easy to believe that everyone else is doing it too but really most people do not even think about us. Most people do not give a rat's ass about us. They are too busy doing things in hope of living in joy.
No, we can't control what people think about us there's no point trying that. Just focus on yourself. If you believe in yourself, these judgments won't have any power over you. KEY POINT: do YOU have to believe in yourself and if not what programming are you replaying over and over. If you want to know how to overcome being an ambulance chaser rescuing everyone when you should be living in joy I have much wisdom in this area - actually my new title I have just been given by my higher power is just that.

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